Esmeraldas Region, Esmeraldas, Ecuador is a coatal city that is located in the northwest Ecuador. It boosts of the esmeraldas Canton which is the regional centre of the esmeraldas province of Ecuador. Esmaerada is a major seaport that lies on the pacific coast at the estuary of the Esmeraldas river. Moat afro Ecudorian peple come from this region. The major exports served at the port include wood, bananas, astilla and other agricultural products.
The Esmeraldas Region, Esmeraldas, Equador boosts of a beautiful beaches, indigenous cayapas, virgin forests vibrant nightlife and exotic culinary delights.Most of the beaches are located less than 30 kilometres away and there is a well developed hotel infrastructure that will take care of any whimsicall needs of almost every, if not all tourists. The exotic culinary dishes include the Tonsipa, atacames, Saami and muisne. Other dishs include meats which range from fish, pork, beef, lobster and shrimp, cassava and green bananas accompany various dishes.
Atacames is a beach that is 30 kilometers from the city and the most popular of all the beaches. Its close proxinty with quitos, the capiata; city means thast there is an unending stream of tourists all year round. most bars operate on a 24 hour basis . About five kilometres south of atacames, is a quioet fishermen’s village that is an ideal lodging place as well as a place where one can walk by boat while soaking in the scenic
The infratucture should cause no problems as all the areas are easily asseccible. In addition to the road infrastructure ther is a rail way system that is just as effective. Touris flock all year round to the Esmeraldas Region, Esmeraldas, Equador due to the excellent wether conditions.